Thursday, June 27, 2013

Letter U!

Miss Vicki's Letter U Detectives!!!

Dress Up Time!

The rain didn't stop us from having a great time inside on Wednesday. We did our work out video!

Letter U and Color Gray Show & Tell!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Mulder Fest 2013!!!!

Mr. Donny & Gab Swinging

Lu Lu with her Roly Poly Friend!

Tillman munching on snacks!

Tillman and Thomas eating outside!

The Birthday Boy!

Messy Food Face!!!

Diego was at the party too!!!

Gabrielle showing off her gymnastic skills.

Selma playing on the swing set

Gab riding the Mulder's Famous Gator

Queen of the Gator!

Driving around!

Backing it up!

Selma's turn to drive!

Loving the Gator!

Mr. Donny & Diego during a soccer match

Both showing off their skills

It was a close match.

Hey Pretty Ladies!

Birthday Cake Time!

The Mulder Boys!


Singing Happy Birthday to Ta!

Eying up his cake!

Anna Bug!