Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Lei Necklaces!

Shira & Tais

Beautiful girls! :)

Working hard!

Leo & Anna

We got to hang out with Mrs. Yesy for a few!!

Jax & his lei

Anna's super colorful lei





Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Eckhart Park Fun & Other Adventures

Mulder Boys!

Clare Bear & Ms. Yaya

We miss you so much Gracie!!

Hanging out with Wesley, the super awesome Tiger friend!

Anna, Gracie and Ms. Yaya

First day Eckhart re-opened! :)

Clare & Margot



Sitting in the shade after running around!

Leo enjoys the shady areas!

Lions & Tigers taking over the park!

#1 Supporter of Mexico's soccer team!

Very excited Lions cheered for Mexico's game against Croatia yesterday!

Ms. Yaya