Thursday, February 23, 2017

So Much Learning!

Selah building sight words with our new letter tiles. 

For this week's writing assignment, we were able to write a sentence of our choice! 

Today we had Show & Tell. Our theme was the color Green! 

Outside & Robotics Club Visit!

Beautiful (warm) weather in February! 

The Robotics Club from Muchin College Prep came to visit us! They brought in robots they made for competitions and watched us as we presented our robots! It was such a wonderful experience! Huge thanks to Selah's mom for making this happen! 


We love our new letter tiles from Mr. Donny Picklehead!! We have been using them all week to build our sight words! 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Recycled Robots!

This week we worked on our Recycled Robots! The Lions did such an outstanding job bringing in recycled/reusable supplies and using what they had to create detailed robots! This afternoon we have the Robotic's Club from Muchin College Prep coming in to share some of their robots with us!