Thursday, April 27, 2017

We've Been Busy Lions!

This past two weeks our Show & Tell theme has been Spring! Check out the great things our friends brought in! 

The kiddos loved trying on Miss Vick's fancy headphones! 

We are so sad Ms. Vanessa has left Noble Day Care, but we did a good job making her feel special on her last day! 

Best Buddies.

In Reading Group this week we created our own books. We had to put the sentences in the correct order then include corresponding illustrations.  

Beautiful Day! 

Best Buds since they were super tiny! 

Colin shared his Paw Patrol necklace with Miss Vick. 

Group Selfie! 

Good attempt at putting on his pinny on by himself. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

April is Here!!

Wesley has his first loose tooth and we are excited! 

Easter Egg Hunt! 

Music with Ms. Lisa! 

Show & Tell Fun!