Friday, November 30, 2012

Newsletter- December 3rd to 7th

The RADICAL Learning Lions!

Week of December 3rd to December 7th, 2012 

 Letter: Rr    Numbers: 1 to 70 

 Color: PURPLE   Theme: Let’s Pretend: I Can Use Sound to Create & Imitate  

Important Information:
·         Thursday, December 6th - LETTER R SHOW & TELL! Please send your child with a show & tell to share with their friends!  Show & Tell is at 9 a.m. every Thursday
·         Friday, December 7th Wear Purple today!
o   Yoga with Shalise at 10:30 am.
Practice Words:

1.   rat

2.   ran

3.   red

4.   rip

5.   rod

6.   rug

7.   rectangle

8.   rainbow

9.   Ronai

Note from your child’s teachers: We will begin our December unit this week, Let’s Pretend! This unit is all about dramatic play! If you have any extra dramatic play clothes or toys at home, please feel free to donate to the preschool! Thanks!

-Miss Vicki & Miss Ryan

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Hello Noble Families!
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is BLUE shirt day! Please send the students in their Learning Lions T-shirts if they are clean, if not, any blue clothing will do!!! A class picture will be taken and displayed on our new blog!
Love & Beauty,
Miss Vicki

Letter Q Show & Tell!

On Thursdays, we share our Show & Tell with our friends and teachers! The students learn so much about speaking during this weekly activity! They are called up, greet their audience and wait for a response back, explain their show & tell to the audience, walk around and show their friends, and end their presentation by saying thank you to their friends for listening! We are focusing on building strong social skills before sending the students to kindergarten! Great progress so far!
Selma Lou Lou

Q is for Quarter

Gabrielle brought her baby doll

Q is for United States Quarters!

Luka's expanding Q Ball!

Luka was very focused!

Zaria introducing herself to the audience!

The duck says QUACK!

Q is for Quilt and QUACK!

Dalton showed off his Cars collection!

Q is for Quaker Oats and Q-Tips!


On Wednesday afternoons, we like to talk about the way different situations make us feel. This week, we talked about how we felt on Thanksgiving and why we felt that way! The students had wonderful things to say! Here is a look at what we did!

Selma felt HAPPY on Thanksgiving!

Tais felt HAPPY on Thanksgiving!

Anna felt HAPPY on Thanksgiving!

Luka felt HAPPY on Thanksgiving!

Clyde felt HAPPY on Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

We Love Science!

We continue to do a lot of science in the preschool and wanted to share with you some things we have been learning about!

Sophia & Dalton using magnets

Tais explores through a kaleidoscope

Gabrielle taking measurements

Zaria practices using tongs while grabbing crayons.

Luka navigates around the Solar System

Thomas Mulder came to hang out with his brother, Tillman.

A New Beginning!

Hello Learning Lions Families! Due to storage space on the old preschool blog, I have created an entire new blog for your enjoyment. I still have all the photos saved from the past blog, however, you will no longer be able to view them via the old link. I am excited for a new beginning and hopefully some even more wonderful pictures and descriptions of the students.
Thanks for all your support!
-Miss Vicki