Friday, November 30, 2012

Newsletter- December 3rd to 7th

The RADICAL Learning Lions!

Week of December 3rd to December 7th, 2012 

 Letter: Rr    Numbers: 1 to 70 

 Color: PURPLE   Theme: Let’s Pretend: I Can Use Sound to Create & Imitate  

Important Information:
·         Thursday, December 6th - LETTER R SHOW & TELL! Please send your child with a show & tell to share with their friends!  Show & Tell is at 9 a.m. every Thursday
·         Friday, December 7th Wear Purple today!
o   Yoga with Shalise at 10:30 am.
Practice Words:

1.   rat

2.   ran

3.   red

4.   rip

5.   rod

6.   rug

7.   rectangle

8.   rainbow

9.   Ronai

Note from your child’s teachers: We will begin our December unit this week, Let’s Pretend! This unit is all about dramatic play! If you have any extra dramatic play clothes or toys at home, please feel free to donate to the preschool! Thanks!

-Miss Vicki & Miss Ryan

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