Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August 12th-16th

This week the children were introduced to the "All About the Body" theme. We will be focusing on different elements of the body along with things such as fitness and personal hygiene!

Anna laying down waiting to have her body traced!

Anna colors in the hair on her body tracing.
Later on in the week, we began to explore the inside of the human body. We learned plenty of fun facts about our bones!

We traced Mac's body and drew his skeleton in following the example in our book!

The Lions joined in on celebrating Mia Bun's birthday! (Mac's sister-Wildcat)




Maya and Shira enjoy their time at centers on a rainy day!

Tillman, Maya and Shira

Tais looking fabulous in her
dress up clothes!

We had a surprise visit from. Mr. Caleb the fireman!

Elia and Tais

Ms. Yaya and Tais


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