Friday, March 21, 2014

Week of March 24th to March 28th

Letter: Hh   Number: 46   Shape: Circle   Emotion: Happy
 Color: Gray Theme: Eco-Exploring

Important Information:
Monday, March 24th- Music Together with Ms. Kate at 10:15 AM.
Thursday, March 27th- Letter Hh & Color GRAY Show & Tell @ 9 AM.
Friday, March 28th - WEAR GRAY!      
Yoga with Ms. Linda @ 10:30 AM!

Note from your child’s teachers:
Next week we will have Music with Ms. Kate on Monday, March 24th instead of Wednesday! We look forward to seeing Ms. Kate earlier in the week than usual. We will continue our Eco-exploring unit and hopefully get to take the children on some adventures outside. Special thanks to everyone for helping the students adapt to having homework once a week!

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