Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Lions Love Painting & Playing!

As we begin to learn about nature, the Lions used clothespins and pom poms as paintbrushes to create a picture of a tree. They created an image of a tree using painters tape on a blank piece of paper and painted around it. Once they finished painting, they pulled off the tape to see what they had created! They had a really great time and loved using our homemade paintbrushes. 

The Lions love working together to complete our United States of America puzzle! 

Today was a perfectly beautiful summer day in Chicago! Happy first day of July! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for providing these recommendations. But I would like to know which Phoenix preschool is best for my niece. My sister and her husband are quite new to Arizona and don’t have an idea which preschool to opt for my niece.
