Wednesday, August 10, 2016

We Love Science!

One of our recent science experiments involved mixing colors! During our first week, we focused on biology. 

Our Show & Tell theme was Science! The students brought in really neat items to share! 

Cole conducted a science experiment! 

The students loved learning about atoms and molecules.They were blown away to learn that EVERYTHING, including themselves, are made up of billions of atoms! We made our own models to represent atoms and molecules. 

Yoga with Mrs. Kitty! 

Just a really sleepy guy after learning about tons of science! 

Elena had a tropical birthday party and it was AWESOME!

The birthday girl! 

This week we have focused on physics. Today we discussed force. We each made our own design with glue. Once we made our design, Miss Victoria added a pile of sand onto our paper and we had to blow the sand onto the glue using a straw. 

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