Thursday, November 29, 2012

Letter Q Show & Tell!

On Thursdays, we share our Show & Tell with our friends and teachers! The students learn so much about speaking during this weekly activity! They are called up, greet their audience and wait for a response back, explain their show & tell to the audience, walk around and show their friends, and end their presentation by saying thank you to their friends for listening! We are focusing on building strong social skills before sending the students to kindergarten! Great progress so far!
Selma Lou Lou

Q is for Quarter

Gabrielle brought her baby doll

Q is for United States Quarters!

Luka's expanding Q Ball!

Luka was very focused!

Zaria introducing herself to the audience!

The duck says QUACK!

Q is for Quilt and QUACK!

Dalton showed off his Cars collection!

Q is for Quaker Oats and Q-Tips!

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