Friday, December 21, 2012

Celebrating the Holidays Noble Style!

Happy Holidays from the Learning Lions! Today the students were excited to find gifts under our classroom holiday tree! Santa Vicki delivered a special gift for each friend to open at school. They were very excited about what they opened and it truly felt like Christmas morning since we were in our pajamas! I would like to think today was my first day of spending the holidays with a very special family of mine; the learning lions!

Anna with her gift!

Shira with her holiday gift!

Santa Vicki with some of her little elves!

The boys with their gifts!

Above shot from our photographer, Miss Mayra!

Shira opens her holiday gift!

Shira received a Disney Princess Book and Hello Kitty Stickers!

Miss Vicki, Shira, & Anna Bug!

Anna opens her Minnie & Mickey Mouse Cup!

Anna checks out her new gift!

Anna also received Minnie Mouse bubble bath!

Gifts, Gifts, & More Gifts!

Tillman was SUPER excited when opening his gift! It was truly a priceless moment!

Miss Vicki & her boys!

Tillman received a Hot Wheels Car that changes colors with light!

Dalton received an Angry Birds Star Wars toy!

Sophia opens her gifts!

Sophia received a Disney Princess Book, Hello Kitty Stickers, & Disney Princess Bows!

Selma opens her gift! She was very excited to get a "Christmas" gift.

Selma received a Tic-Tac-Toe Game & a Hello Kitty Necklace.

Zaria opens her gifts!

Zaria received a new Doc McStuffin's Puzzle!

The girls were very excited!

Our Amazing Noble Family! So much love!

We wouldn't be the Lions without a silly picture as well!

Dance Party!


The boys opening the gifts!

Showing off their gifts!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Letter T Show & Tell and Dramatic Play!

The letter of the week was T and the students brought in awesome show & tell to share with their friends! We can't seem to get enough of dressing up and using our imaginations, so we have shared more of those pictures below! Shira came to visit our classroom today for a few hours and we were lucky enough to play with her during our centers & free play time!

Dalton being silly during Show & Tell

T is for Tiger!

T is for Twinkles!
(Sophia's Elf on the Shelf)

T is for Thomas the Train, Tu-Tu, T-shirt, & Tights!

T is for Tillman, T t-shirt, & tiger!

T is for Tianna

Anna & Shira playing in the Noble Market!

Zaria & Selma playing dress up with dolls!

Dalton playing with all the animals & toys!

Tillman playing during centers!

Tillman loves playing with the big dinosaur!

Noble's Holiday Party at Flo!

This year we had our holiday party at Flo on Chicago Ave. We had such a fantastic time and were welcomed with fantastic gifts from our Sunshine Committee! Thank you for your kindness and support!
Ma Ma Maria, Lizzet, & Mari

Yesy, Lenny, & Christina

Ryan, Mo, & Mayra

Lauren (in glasses), Mary, & Jamie

The amazing, supportive, and loving directors- Jamie & Yesy

Mayra & Vicki

Vicki & Lauren

Ryan, Mo, Mayra, & Vicki

Lauren, Mary, & Jamie (in glasses)

Lauren, Mary (in glasses), & Jamie