Friday, December 14, 2012

Let the Pretending Continue...

We have had a very busy and fun week in the Noble Preschool! We have done tons of dramatic play. Each day we have taken time to enjoy our dress up clothes and pretend to be various animals during games.The students also loved making paper puppets which was a simple, yet social activity for them to engage in!  On Thursday, we presented our letter S show & tell. Everyone brought in really cool items to share. Today we made Paper Hot Chocolate for ourselves by crumpling up brown construction paper and filling up a cup. We then added cotton ball marshmallows for some extra sweetness! It was a great way for the students to use their fine motor skills, as well as use their imaginations!

Hanging out in the Morning

S is for Sophia

S is for Soldier

S is for Sunglasses.

S is for Santa

S is for Suitcase

Anna put on her Suitcase

Luka making Paper Hot Chocolate and Cotton Ball Marshmallows

Mario & Luigi Puppets

S is for Sunglasses

S is for Sophia

Tillman's "Hot Chocolate"

Anna's "Hot Chocolate"

Sophia's "Hot Chocolate"

Dalton's "Hot Chocolate"

Tais making her "Hot Chocolate"

Zaria making her "Hot Chocolate"

The students working on their fine motor skills.

They loved crumpling up the paper and making it into "Hot Chocolate"

Tais pretending to drink her "hot chocolate"

Luka's "Hot Chocolate"

Anna & Tillman are best buddies!

Sophia's "Hot Chocolate"

The Students displayed their hard work

Snack Attack!

Miss Vicki & Luka "Blue" Stone!

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