Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Fun-Day! (and some from Friday)

Gabrielle working in her Sight Words Book

Luka practicing his sight words.


Anna searching for letter D in magazines!

Having a great time in Yoga!

Zaria is being a letter detective!

Dalton searches for letters on a toothpaste ad!

Gabrielle working on spelling DOG

Sophia found many O's during her letter search!

Tais working hard on her letters!

Tillman during our activity!

Selma spelling DOG, DAD, and DOT!

Snow Time!

Shira and Luka work side by side!

Selma Lu Lu in the snow!

Maya played with us too!

Sophia in the snow!

Lining up to throw their snow balls!

Gabrielle with her little snowball.

Tillman Mulder!

Prepping to make their snowballs

Gabrielle and Shira!

Selma Lu Lu & Zaria!

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