Thursday, April 18, 2013

Letter K Activities!

In math, we decided to measure classroom items with Legos instead of a ruler! The students had a blast adding Legos until they had enough to equal the item they were working with.

In the afternoon we created our own classroom kite using construction paper and yarn. Each bow had a different number on it. The numbers were counted out by 10's up to 120! The students were asked to locate a number and add it to the right spot on our kite string! They were very engaged and did such an amazing job!

Letter K Show & Tell

Anna brought a kite.

Zaria brought a kite.

Lu Lu made her own kite with her dad to show the class.

Gabrielle shared her dog.

Shira showed off cool glasses and a kaleidoscope.

Tillman showed off Thomas' kitty!

Dalton showed off his sleeping pet Chippy!

Due to the rainy weather, we stayed inside today and played in fitness centers! Bowling, Ring Toss, Tunnels, Stomping Feet, Bean Bags, and so much more!!!

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