Monday, September 30, 2013

Dental Health: Teeth Brushing Experiment

Last Friday we began covering the topic of dental hygiene. We discussed the importance of brushing our teeth on a daily basis. To show the children the effects that sugary foods have on our teeth, we conducted the famous coca cola and egg science experiment! Take a look at all the fun we had!

Our materials were very basic. We began the experiment right before lunch so that we could let the eggs sit in the coca cola for a few hours. The eggs represented our teeth!

Once everyone had a turn in setting up the "teeth," we let them sit in the coca cola and the children began to make predictions of what would happen to the teeth after sitting in all that sugar for a few hours. Our two most popular answers were:
1. The teeth will crack.
2. The teeth are going to change colors. (brown or green)

Although many of the children's predictions were correct, many of them were still shocked with how brown the eggs turned! They were even more impressed to see how a bit of brushing with toothpaste could get rid of all the icky brown color.
After cleaning the eggs up, I suggested we eat the hard boiled eggs. Many were reluctant, they were afraid that the coca cola had seeped through the shell and that it would ruin their teeth! I think I scared them away from coca cola for good! :)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Show Me The Brown!

Lots of Fall Colors!

Maya and Mac Wear Brown!

The Marker is Brown.

Miss Vicki's Leggings are Brown.

The Book is Brown.

The Puppy is Brown.

The United States Carpet is Brown.

The Sand Table is Brown.

Jax's Pillow Pet is Brown.

Tillman's Shirt is Brown.

Gracie Works on Writing her H Words.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Painting. Music. Show & Tell.

This week the students painted a picture of a helicopter. 

Music Together with Ms. Kate! 

Letter H or Color Brown Show & Tell 
H is for Hello Kitty

Tais with Hello Kitty

Tais talking to her friends.

H is for Hello Kitty

Gracie Showed Off Some Sprinkles.

H is for Horse

Elia and her Horse

H is for Honda!

Mac Showed Off his Ninja Turtle Lunch Box

H is for Hat

Addison showed off her dad's tool

H is for Hula Hoop