Wednesday, April 23, 2014 the park!

We use a map when traveling.

Map of Chicago

You can travel on a plane!

You can travel on a bus, car, or truck!

You can travel to Disney World!

You can use these toys in the car while traveling.

Shira showing off her toy

Listening to questions from her friends.

You use a camera while traveling!

Jax showing off his camera

What a great smile!

Gracie showed off her sister's fancy lip gloss

Maya showed off Hello Kitty, a pretend phone, and a picture from a vacation!

Elia showed off her pony

Elia with her pony!

Time to travel outside!

Nice shades Leo!

What a babe!

Tough Chicks hanging out at the park!

You know...just hanging out!

Hey Chris!

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