Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fall Show & Tell (and some other fun things)

Happy 5th Birthday, Hayden!  
Patrick came to visit the Lions and Margot was VERY excited! 

Patrick came to visit the Lions and Margot was VERY excited!

Miss Vick and Patrick! 

Miss Vick, Margot, and Patrick 

Hayden showed off his army toys! 

Cole showed off his truck! 

Cole showed off his truck! 

Margot reading to her friends! 

Margot reading to her friends! 

Selah showed off her princess! 

Two peas in a pod! 

Goofy Girls! 

Meet our newest Lion, Colin! 

Meet our newest Lion, Colin! 

Meet our newest Lion, Colin! 

The Learning Lions! 

Margot showing off her surprise from the Great Pumpkin! 

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