Thursday, March 10, 2016

Cowboy Show & Tell

Lauren & her dad made a Lasso! 

Cole showed off his book, Mustache Baby where the boy turns into a Cowboy at one point! 

Hayden showed off his Lasso he made in school. 

Margot showed off a book from her favorite series, Geronimo Stilton. This book was The Wild, Wild West. 

Elena showed off Ms. Ya Ya's Cowgirl hat! 

All the kids loved modeling in Ya Ya's hat! 

Colin brought in a Horse. 

Selah brought in a Horse! 

Wesley brought in a Pony Stick to ride around on! 

Caden loved trying out Wesley's Pony Stick! 

Look Who's Blooming! 
Sneak Peak of our Spring bulletin board. 

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