Friday, March 1, 2013

Writing Sight Words & Pattern Pictures

Today we completed the third page in our First Sight Words Book. The students all wrote the word "big" at the top of their page and wrote the sentence "The dog is big." below. To complete their page, they drew a picture of a big dog. I can't get over how amazing their writing is! Great Work Lions!!!
Sophia working on her dog.

Zaria adding details to her big dog!

Tillman working on the word BIG!

Gabrielle coloring her dog's eyes green.
Once we all did our writing pages, we split up into three centers. Four students worked with Miss Vicki at the tables completing pictures with pattern blocks, the other students worked with magnets and the balancing scale!

Dalton made a koala bear.

Tais made a rabbit!

Anna made a caterpillar

Shira made an octopus!

Anna continues to work hard on her caterpillar!

Gabrielle makes a bunny rabbit!

Tillman makes a bat!

Zaria works on a cat!

Sophia working on an alligator

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