Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Miss Vicki's Back From Colorado! Let's Paint & Enjoy Music!

Hello my amazing Learning Lion families! I had a total blast in Colorado, but I am very happy to be back in the classroom after 3 days away from my students! I was welcomed with huge, warm hugs and kisses this morning! What a delightful way to return from a trip! Today we jumped right back into our routines. We did our Dog Water Color Painting as our first activity!

Today was our second session of Music Together with Ms. Kate! The students had a total blast! These are the songs Ms. Kate requested we practice with our children this week:
1. Hello Song
2. Pretty Little Horses
3. I Had a Little Frog
* All the songs above are on the CD that was given to each family last week after our first Music Together session! *

Ms. Kate totally rocked it this week and brought in her guitar to sing and play the students Pretty Little Horses.

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