Friday, August 9, 2013

Our First Show & Tell as the 2013-2014 Learning Lions!

In the Preschool, we do Show & Tell every Thursday around 9AM. Each student is asked to bring an item that begins with the letter of the week or is the color of the week! Check out the amazing items our students brought in for Letter A and the color Red!
Tais is excited to introduce Show & Tell!

Anna brought in ANNA!

Tais brought in a Red Ladybug!

Red Ladybug

Mac shares his really neat fan


Mac explaining his fan to his friends

Tillman brought a Red Apple

Addison brought in a Red car!

Elia brought a mini bunny and a Red purse!

Shira also brought in a Red Apple

Gracie brought in a light up toy!

Jax brought in one of his books!

This Friday we were able to enjoy Yoga outside since the weather was sunny and warm!

Mac's water shooter!

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