Thursday, February 11, 2016

In The Kitchen Show & Tell

Today our Show & Tell theme was In The Kitchen. The Lions brought in some pretty amazing things! 

Wesley brought a car! 

Caden brought a steaming tool to cover pots. 

Hayden brought a guitar shaped serving dish! 

Lauren brought a Frozen light-up wand! 

Elena brought a pretend cutting board, knife, & tomato.

Colin brought in an ice cream scooper! 

Margot brought in a pizza cutter! 

Cole loved trying on David's apron!

Today we discussed what we use to eat food, as well as how to help set the table and serve food. As one of our centers, the Lions worked together to set our tables and serve one another! They loved it! Some pretended they were at home eating, while others pretended they were at a restaurant. 

What do we use to eat our food? 

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