Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Five Food Groups

During the month of February, we are learning about Food & Fitness. This week we are focusing on the five food groups! Each day we are focusing on a different food group. On Monday, the children were asked what the food groups are. They did a great job providing examples of different foods and quickly caught on that the foods they listed belonged in food groups, each playing an important role in their health. On Monday, we focused on grains! 

The Lion's guesses for what the food groups are. 

During reading group, we sounded out different words and provided the first letter to the pictures of food. They did a really great job sorting the foods into the proper groups and sounding out words! 

We also played Sight Word Bingo! 

Our morning message for Tuesday was about Groundhog Day! This year the groundhog did NOT see his shadow, which means Spring is coming! 

On Tuesday, we discussed Protein! Above the children have expressed what their favorite protein is! 

Music with Ms. Lisa! We are starting to learn new songs and are loving it! 

Margot's favorite fruit was kiwi! 

On Wednesday, we had a giant Fruit Party! Each Lion brought in a different fruit. We made fruit observations such as texture, smell, color, and taste! We loved all the delicious fruits! 

Selah's favorite fruit was mango! 

Cole's favorite fruit was mango! 

Caden's favorite fruit was grapes! 

Colin's favorite fruit was peaches!  
Lauren's favorite fruit was apple! 

Elena's favorite fruit was avocado! 

Hayden's favorite fruit was peaches! 

Wesley's favorite fruit was oranges! 

So many healthy fruits! 

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